Abstrak: Bullying merupakan permasalahan sosial yang kerap terjadi di persekolahan, tidak hanya secara verbal seperti mengejek dan mencaci. Tetapi sudah sampai kepada tindakan menyakiti fisik seperti memukul bahkan dapat menyebabkan kehilangan nyawa. Kegiatan pengabdian ini bertujuan memberikan edukasi kepada peserta didik tentang pengertian, cara pencegahan dan penanganan hingga regulasi hukum mengenai bullying di indonesia. Metode yang dilakukan berupa sosialisasi, tanya jawab dan melalui permainan kartu sadari bullying. Adapun mitra dari pengabdian ini adalah 35 orang peserta didik Sekolah Menengah Atas. Untuk mengetahui bagaimana pemahaman peserta terhadap kegiatan ini, dilakukan evaluasi berupa pengisian google form, yang didapati hasil bahwa 100% peserta didik memahami bullying dan bertekad untuk tidak melakukan tindakan bullying dimanapun, pada siapapun dan kapanpun.
Abstract: Bullying is a social problem that often occurs in schools, not only verbally such as teasing and insulting. But it has reached the point of physical harm, such as hitting, which can even cause loss of life. This service activity aims to provide education to students about understanding, how to prevent and handle it, as well as legal regulations regarding bullying in Indonesia. The methods used include socialization, questions and answers and through card games, awareness of bullying. The partners for this service are 35 class X students at SMAN 3 Dumai. To find out how the participants understood this activity, an evaluation was carried out in the form of filling out a Google form, which found that 100% of the students understood bullying and were determined not to carry out bullying anywhere, on anyone and at any time.
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