Abstrak: Masalah utama yang dihadapi adalah kurangnya kesiapan sekolah berbasis pesantren dalam mengimplementasikan pendidikan inklusi. Tujuan pengabdian adalah mendampingi sekolah dalam membangun sistem pendidikan yang inklusif, meliputi kurikulum, metode pengajaran, serta peningkatan soft skill dan hard skill guru. Metode yang digunakan meliputi sosialisasi, penyuluhan, workshop, dan praktikum, dengan partisipasi aktif dari 51 guru. Evaluasi dilakukan melalui pengukuran peningkatan keterampilan komunikasi, kolaborasi, dan adaptasi kurikulum inklusi. Hasil menunjukkan adanya peningkatan soft skill sebesar 35% dalam aspek komunikasi dan kerjasama. Selain itu, terjadi peningkatan hard skill sebesar 40%, terutama dalam pengajaran matematika, bahasa Indonesia, dan bahasa Inggris yang lebih inklusif. Program ini berhasil mendorong SMK Al Khozini menuju sekolah inklusi yang lebih adaptif dan siap menerima siswa dengan kebutuhan beragam.
Abstract: The main issue was the lack of readiness of pesantren-based schools in implementing inclusive education. The goal was to assist the school in developing an inclusive education system, covering curriculum, teaching methods, and the enhancement of teachers' soft and hard skills. The methods used included socialization, counseling, workshops, and practicum, with active participation from 51 teachers. Evaluation was conducted by measuring improvements in communication, collaboration, and curriculum adaptation skills. The results showed a 35% increase in soft skills, particularly in communication and teamwork. Additionally, there was a 40% improvement in hard skills, especially in teaching mathematics, Indonesian, and English in a more inclusive manner. This program successfully advanced SMK Al Khozini towards becoming a more adaptive inclusive school, ready to accommodate students with diverse needs.
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