Abstrak: Kegiatan UMKM di Indonesia bukan hanya berfokus ekspor, namun juga konsumsi domestik menunjukan peningkatan yang menciptakan peluang ekonomi baru. Kegiatan sosialisasi dan edukasi ini bertujuan untuk mendorong motivasi dan meningkatkan semangat jiwa mandiri, serta kemampuan untuk memulai usaha. Karang taruna RW. 11 Kelurahan Margahayu Bekasi Timur merupakan target dalam kegiatan sosialisasi. karena penting bagi para pemuda untuk menyiapkan lowongan kerja baik bagi dirinya sendiri maupun bagi orang banyak. Selain itu, pada masa pandemi ini banyak perusahaan yang merumahkan karyawannya. Kegiatan edukasi kewirausahaan ini diikuti oleh 30 orang peserta, yang juga dihadiri ketua dan pengurus RW 11 kelurahan Margahayu. Pelaksanaan sosialisasi ini berlangsung 4 (empat) tahap, yaitu: (1) pembahasan materi kewirausahaan, (2) pre test berupa pengisian kuesioner dalam bentuk google form, (3) tanya jawab dengan praktisi, dan (4) evaluasi kegiatan. Dari hasil angket sebanyak 83 % menyatakan bersemangat dan termotivasi untuk memulai usaha. Pada akhir sesi pelatihan, dari hasil kuesioner yang dibagikan menunjukan peserta paham dengan materi yang disosialisasikan. Lebih dari separuh peserta berpendapat berani menghadapi resiko dan menunjukan minat untuk memiliki usaha mandiri.
Abstract: MSME activities in Indonesia are not only focused on exports, but also domestic consumption shows an increase which creates new economic opportunities. This socialization and education activity aims to encourage motivation and increase the spirit of an independent spirit, as well as the ability to start a business. RW youth organization. 11 Margahayu Village, East Bekasi is the target in the socialization activities. because it is important for young people to prepare job vacancies both for themselves and for many people. In addition, during this pandemic, many companies are laying off their employees. This entrepreneurship education activity was attended by 30 participants, who were also attended by the chairman and management of RW 11, Margahayu sub-district. The implementation of this socialization took place in 4 (four) stages, namely: (1) discussion of entrepreneurship material, (2) pre-test in the form of filling out a questionnaire in the form of google form, (3) question and answer with practitioners, and (4) evaluation of activities. From the results of the questionnaire, 83% stated that they were excited and motivated to start a business. At the end of the training session, the results of the distributed questionnaires showed that the participants understood the material being socialized. More than half of the participants thought that they had the courage to take risks and showed an interest in owning their own business.
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