Abstrak: Partisipasi lansia dalam program vaksinasi di Indonesia masih rendah. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah meningkatkan kesiapan lansia dalam melakukan vaksinasi COVID-19. Kegiatan ini dilakukan di Posyandu Teratai Merah dan Posyandu Gelatik Kota Tasikmalaya, Provinsi Jawa Barat yang melibatkan 35 orang lansia. Bentuk kegiatan berupa edukasi kesehatan menggunakan metode ceramah dengan dibantu media power point, leaflet dan booklet. Sebelum diberikan edukasi kesehatan, lansia diberikan pre-test dan setelah diberikan edukasi, lansia diberikan post-test sebagai bentuk evaluasi keberhasilan kegiatan edukasi kesehatan. Hasil dari kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini menunjukkan terdapat peningkatan proporsi lansia yang menyatakan bersedia melakukan vaksinasi sebelum diberikan edukasi (19%) dan setelah diberikan edukasi kesehatan (52,4%). Proporsi lansia yang masih ragu, mengalami penurunan dari 52,4% sebelum diberikan edukasi menjadi 38,1% setelah diberikan edukasi. Sementara itu, lansia yang menyatakan tidak bersedia melakukan vaksinasi, proporsinya juga turun dari 28,6% sebelum diberikan edukasi menjadi 9,5% setelah diberikan edukasi.
Abstract: The participation of the elderly in the vaccination program in Indonesia is still low. The purpose of this activity was to increase the readiness of the elderly in carrying out COVID-19 vaccinations. This activity was carried out at the Teratai Merah Posyandu and Gelatik Posyandu which involved 35 elderly people. The form of activity was in the form of health education using the lecture method with the power point media, leaflets and booklets. Before being given health education, the elderly were given a pre-test and after being given education, the elderly were given a post-test as a form of evaluating the success of health education activity. The results of activity showed that there was an increase in the proportion of the elderly who stated they were willing to vaccinate before being given education (19%) and after being given health education (52.4%). The proportion of elderly people who are still unsure, decreased from 52.4% before being given education and 38.1% after being given education. Meanwhile, the proportion of elderly who stated that they were not willing to vaccinate also decreased from 28.6% before being given education to 9.5% after being given education.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.31764/jmm.v6i1.6581
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