Tumartony Thaib Hiola, Novalia Warow, Indra Haryanto Ali, Rahman Suleman


Abstrak: Masyarakat menggunakan merkuri pada tahapan pengolahan emas, dan limbah hasil kegiatan tersebut dibuang langsung ke sungai yang ada di Desa Hulawa, yang bermuara ke laut. Sehingga menimbulkan pencemaran pada ekosistem perairan.; Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah memberikan solusi kepada pemerintah Desa Hulawa dalam menurunkan kadar merkuri pada air limbah hasil pertambangan dengan mengguanakan karbon aktif,; Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan terdiri dari tahap sosialisasi, observasi lapangan, proses pembuatan alat, dan evaluasi.; mitra kegiatan adalah Pemerintah Desa Hulawa, dengan melibatkan 2 orang aparat pemerintah serta 10 orang penambang; evaluasi dilakukan sebanyak 3 kali dengan melihat kondisi alat serta output yang dihasilkan (4) Hasil yang diperoleh setelah kegiatan pengabdian ini dilaksanakan, yaitu merkuri pada limbah tambang tradisional mengalami penurunan yang cukup signifikan, sehingga kegiatan ini telah memberikan solusi bagi permasalahan di Desa Hulawa. Untuk pemeliharaan alat, tim PKM membekali masyarakat penambang terkait pelatihan perpipaan sederhana, serta cara mengganti karbon aktif.

Abstract: The community uses mercury at the gold processing stage, and the waste from these activities is disposed of directly into the river in Hulawa Village, which empties into the sea. Thus causing pollution to the environmental ecosystem.; The purpose of this service activity is to manufacture media that can filter mercury in mining waste by using activated carbon, so that mercury levels can be lowered to the lowest level; The method of implementing the activity consists of the stages of socialization, field observation, the process of making tools, and evaluation; The activity partners are the Hulawa Village Government, involving 2 government officials and 10 miners; The evaluation was carried out 3 times by looking at the condition of the equipment and the output produced. (4) The results obtained after this activity was carried out, namely mercury in traditional mining waste decreased significantly, so this activity has provided a solution to the problems in Hulawa Village. For equipment maintenance, team provides mining communities with simple piping training, as well as how to replace activated carbon.


filtration media; mercury; traditional gold mining.

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