Lucia Retnowati, Nurul Pujiastuti


Abstrak: Kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PKM) di desa Sumberporong Kecamatan Lawang Kabupaten Malang, diikuti oleh 35 nenek dengan memberikan penyuluhan tentang ASI eksklusif, perawatan payudara nifas, dan pembuatan bolu daun katuk. Tujuan pengabmas yaitu mewujudkan peran nenek sebagai personal reference dalam upaya meningkatkan perilaku menyusui eksklusif. Sebelum dan setelah penyuluhan diberikan lima (5) pertanyaan terkait masalah menyusui. Lima pertanyaan tersebut meliputi pengertian ASI eksklusif, anatomi payudara, lama menyusui bayi, posisi dan pelekatan bayi yang benar. Sebelum penyuluhan mempunyai nilai rata-rata 60. Setelah penyuluhan, mempunyai nilai rata-rata 80. Selanjutnya dilakukan diskusi dengan para nenek tentang cara mengatasi produksi ASI yang kurang. Diperoleh informasi bahwa nenek memberikan jamu khusus untuk ibu menyusui, memberikan sayuran seperti daun katuk, daun pepaya, serta memompa payudara namun produksi ASI masih kurang. Oleh karena itu, penyuluhan yang diberikan memberikan manfaat tambahan pengetahuan bagi nenek. Usulan penyuluhan selanjutnya adalah teknik memerah ASI, cara mengatasi puting susu datar atau tenggelam, serta cara mengatasi puting susu lecet. Saat penyuluhan, nenek mendapatkan booklet tentang peran keluarga dan menyusui eksklusif sehingga dapat menjadi sumber informasi bagi nenek untuk memberikan motivasi pada ibu menyusui.

Abstract: Community Service Activities in Sumberporong Village, Lawang District, Malang Regency, there are 35 participants in the counseling. The counseling provided includes exclusive breastfeeding, postpartum breast care, and making katuk leaf cake. The aim of community service is to realize the role of grandmothers as personal references in an effort to improve exclusive breastfeeding behavior. Before and after the counseling, five (5) questions related to breastfeeding were given. The five questions include the definition of exclusive breastfeeding, breast anatomy, duration of breastfeeding the baby, the correct position and attachment of the baby. Before counseling, the average score was 60. After counseling, the average score was 80. After that, there was a discussion with the grandmothers about how to overcome the lack of breast milk production. Information was obtained that the grandmother gave special herbs for nursing mothers, gave vegetables such as katuk leaves, papaya leaves, and pumped the breasts but the milk production was still lacking. Therefore, the counseling provided provides additional benefits of knowledge for grandmothers. The next counseling proposal is the technique of expressing breast milk, how to deal with flat or sinking nipples, and how to deal with sore nipples. During counseling, grandmothers received booklets about the role of family and exclusive breastfeeding so that they could be a source of information for grandmothers to motivate breastfeeding mothers.


exclusive breastfeeding; katuk leaf cake; postpartum breastcare; grandmother.

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