Comparison of Nonparametric Path Analysis and Biresponse Regression using Truncated Spline Approach

Laila Nur Azizah, Usriatur Rohma, Adji Achmad Rinaldo Fernandes, Ni Wayan Surya Wardhani, Suci Astutik


Nonparametric path analysis and biresponse nonparametric regression are two flexible statistical approaches to analyze the relationship between variables without assuming a certain form of relationship. This study compares the performance of the two methods with the truncated spline approach, which has the advantage of determining the shape of the regression curve through optimal selection of knot points. This study aims to evaluate the best model based on linear and quadratic polynomial degree with 1, 2, and 3 knot points. The model is applied to data with 100 samples and simulated data of various sample levels. The results show that the best model in nonparametric path analysis is a quadratic model with three knots, while the best model in biresponse nonparametric regression is a quadratic model with two knots. Biresponse nonparametric regression has a coefficient of determination of 88.8% which is higher than the nonparametric path analysis of 70.9%. The best biresponse nonparametric regression model is the model with quadratic order and two knots.


Nonparametric Path Analysis; Data Biresponse Regression; Truncated Spline; Linear.

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