Analogical Reasoning in Mathematical Theorems
Analogical reasoning is one of the most powerful tools of mathematical thinking. For example, to prove a theorem it is necessary to see similarities with the previous theorem. This study aims to classify analogies in mathematics courses and examples. This classification is based on research results. The research was conducted use qualitative research. The research subjects are 12 lecturers who teach mathematics courses and study program managers. Analogical reasoning instruments are unstructured interview guidelines and observation sheets. Interview guides and observation sheets were made to be able to reveal mathematics analogical reasoning in the Mathematics Education Study Program course. The results of the research show that there are 3 types of analogy classifications in mathematics courses, namely definition analogy, theorem-defining analogy, and theorem analogy. First, the definition of similarity in the same or different courses. Second, the similarities between definitions and theorems in the same or different courses. Third, the theorem similarities in the same or different subjects. Our classification is related to theorems and analogical properties in several courses in the curriculum of the Mathematics Education Study Program. The analogy can be applied to certain mathematical topics related to real life. Meanwhile, to analyze other aspects of reasoning through analogy needs to be studied further.
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