Local Partition Dimension of Grid Graph and Its Application to the Coordinates of Potential Disaster Areas in Jember Regency

Ilham Saifudin, Reni Umilasari, Nanang Saiful Rizal


Partition dimension was introduced as a part of interesting topic in graph theory. It was focus to observe about distance. The local partition dimension is an expansion of the partition dimension by adding certain conditions to the representation of the vertices 𝑣 to which is Π denoted by 𝑟(𝑣| Π). One of the conditions that must be met for 𝑟(𝑣| Π) is discussed. The minimum value of k so that there is a local distinguishing partition from V (G) is the local partition dimension of G or it can can be said that the distance of each neighbor is different. The local partition dimension of a graph G is denoted 〖pd〗_l (G). In this study, we used an axiomatic deductive methods and pattern recognition. In order to construct the discriminating set on the metric dimension (dim)  and the discriminating partition on the partition dimension (pd), the pattern detection method looks for patterns in which the coordinate values are minimum and different. By all observations, the local partition dimensions of  P_n×P_m Grid graph has two condition about the results of resolving partition. The Result of local partition dimension of a Grid graph 〖〖pd〗_l (P〗_n×P_m)=2, where n≥2 dan m≥2. In addition, it will decide how to convert the coordinates of areas in the Jember district that are prone to flooding and landslides into metric dimensions. It was about Coordinates of Flood and Landslide Disaster Locations in Jember Regency. The number of local and minimal partition sets generated for flood-prone areas in Jember Regency is 〖pd〗_l (G_Jember)=3.


Distinguishing Sets; Local Partition Dimensions; Coordinates of Potential Disaster Areas.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.31764/jtam.v7i4.15798


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