Differences in the Improvement of Statistical Reasoning Ability Based on Students' Self-Regulated Learning Level in Online Learning Using LMS

Afifah Latip Rasyid Jauhari, Tatang Herman, Dadang Juandi, Habibi Ratu Perwira Negara


In the literature, studies on technology-supported learning, especially using LMS,
have been widely carried out during a pandemic. However, little is known about
LMS, which is interesting and helps to develop students' statistical reasoning
abilities for online learning by considering the students' Self-Regulated Learning
(SRL) levels (High, medium and low). This study aims to examine and analyze the
differences in statistical reasoning abilities of students who study using LMS in
terms of SRL levels (high, medium and low). This study uses a quantitative method
with the type of One-group pre-test post-test design. What took sampled randomly
at the University of Pasundan Bandung, totalling 54 third-level students of
Pasundan University Bandung, Indonesia. Research data related to statistical
reasoning abilities were collected through a test consisting of six questions. In
contrast, SRL level data were collected using a questionnaire consisting of 46
question items. Paired t-test and One-way ANOVA analysis were applied to answer
the research hypothesis. The results of the study concluded that students studying
with LMS with High SRL obtained a higher increase in statistical reasoning ability
than students studying with LMS with Medium and low SRL categories, with the
criteria for improvement in the three categories being in the high and medium
improvement categories. Research findings related to learning using LMS can be
used as an alternative learning model in online learning situations.


Statistical Reasoning; Self-Regulated Learning; Learning Managemen System; Social Statistics.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.31764/jtam.v7i4.16830


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