Biplot Analysis Methods for Selecting the Consumer's Preferences of Primary Needs in Java Island Indonesia
The effect of COVID-19 pandemic in February 2020 had changingchanged human consumption pattern. Most people especially for lower and middle communitycommunities, they only be able to fulfils the primary needs. The COVID-19 pandemic had been made some companies done a work termination. Therefore, people is required to sort out and choose needs that are on a priority scale. This article used biplot methods to analyze behavior of the consumers consumer's primary needs during the COVID-19 pandemic. Respondents number of this research are 100 respondents from 4 districts in Java Island who filled out the questioner. In some references, biplot analysis methods focus on agriculture field such as determining the best genotypes and habitats of plants. Rarely of them cosider in economic point of view for example in consumers’ preferences. As we known that biplot analysis is a valuable technique for identifying environtmental condition. It is superior to other statistical methodologies because of its superior predictive accuracy. This method represent a grapics of multivariate data that plot information between the observation and variables in cartesian coordinates. Therefore, the goal of this study examines the consumers' preferences in the Java Island, Indonesia, using biplot analysis to assess preferences of primary needs such rice, cooking oil and margarine in four districts, Bekasi, Madiun, Tasikmalaya, Banyumas, in Java Island were conducted. Regarding to the result of principal component analysis, it shows that consumers have same priority to choose the brand of the cooking oil. It was shown from score of PC1 and PC2 values. The result provide helpful information about the consumer preferences of primary needs during COVID-19 from four districts in Java Island.
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