A Comparison of Welch Powell Algorithm and Greedy Algorithm in Odd Semester Lecture Room Scheduling Optimization Faculty of Computer Science

Alif Nur Fadilah, Pungkas Subarkah, Reyvaldo Shiva Pramudya, Amin Syabani


Scheduling is a systematic method to optimize work time, and avoid failure when problems occur. Scheduling is widely applied in the world of education, one of which is in preparing course schedules. Scheduling itself needs to be optimized to ensure a smooth lecture process without any problems between courses. As happened at the Faculty of Computer Science, Amikom Purwokerto University, where in the preparation of the schedule there is no information about lecture rooms. Therefore, the author compiled a lecture hall scheduling optimization journal by comparing the performance between the Welch Powell Algorithm and the Greedy Algorithm as optimization and graph coloring on the lecture hall schedule.The data used in this study are 88 courses spread across 3 study programs, namely Informatics Study Program, Information Systems Study Program, and Informatics Engineering Study Program. This research uses a comparative method on graph vertex coloring, where execution time as duration, lines as algorithm complexity, and manual algorithm calculation as parameters. Based on the research that has been done, the results of 14 full spectrum colors are obtained which are then applied to 23 lecture rooms that can be used without clashes at the Faculty of Computer Science. This can minimize the possibility of overlapping room usage between courses. In addition to comparing the performance of the Welch-Powell Algorithm and the Greedy Algorithm to produce optimal scheduling of lecture rooms, this research can also optimize the schedule of lecturers when entering class to optimize students to be more organized in entering lecture classes at the Faculty of Computer Science, Amikom Purwokerto University.


Problem; Schedulling; Optimization; Constraint; Algorithm; Greedy; Welch Powell.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.31764/jtam.v8i4.23142


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