Subjectivity Tracking System for Poor Scholarship Recipients at Elementary School Using the MOORA Method
This research was conducted because of complaints from several parents at Elementary School regarding recipients of the Poor Student Assistance (PSA) who were still less objective. Elementary School XY regularly conduct screening activities every year to select prospective PSA recipients. This selection is made so that the recipients of this assistance are students entitled to it. Some students should be accepted as a selection committee but do not mistake of choosing some students who have kinship or subjective matters. Therefore, this study aims to explore and create applications that apply the Multi Objective Optimization to the basic Ratio Analysis (MOORA) method, which is a method for determining students based on predetermined criteria. The criteria used are the value of report cards, student achievement, student activity, parental income, parental dependents, and home conditions. After conducting a search and implementation using the MOORA method in determining PSA recipients, it was found that there were some non-objective results where the student's criteria and final results were lower than some other students. However the Elementary School provided a recommendation to get PSA. If this happens again, then the importance of this system is to help objective selection. The accuracy results explained that 14.39% of PSA recipients were subjective. It was concluded that this research helps an objective decision and facilitates the decision maker in determining the best 3 recipients from each class at Elementary School XY.
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