Sulidah Sulidah, Ana Damayanti, Donny Tri Wahyudi, Darni Darni


Abstrak: Demam Berdarah Dengue merupakan penyakit endemik di Kota Tarakan dengan angka incident rate diatas rerata nasional. Pemberantasan Sarang Nyamuk sebagai strategi utama pencegahan penularan virus dengue terindikasi tidak berlangsung secara semestinya. Kegiatan ini dimaksudkan untuk membangkitkan kembali gerakan PSN sebagai strategi utama pencegahan DBD. Metode pelaksanaannya berupa pendidikan kesehatan dan pemberdayaan masyarakat. Lokus kegiatan di Desa Tanjung Pasir dan Tanjung Batu yang merupakan daerah pesisir. Mitra program ini ialah Puskesmas dan Kelurahan Mamburungan serta melibatkan tokoh dan masyarakat dilokasi kegiatan. Indikator keberhasilan diukur berdasarkan partisipasi masyarakat dalam gerakan PSN dan Angka Bebas Jentik. Tahapan revitalisasi meliputi: (1) Pembentukan dan pembekalan kader; (2) Penyuluhan kesehatan; (3) Pemeriksaan jentik dan survey populasi nyamuk aedes aegypti; (4) Menggerakkan masyarakat melalui kerja bakti bersih lingkungan; (5) Pengurasan tempat penampungan air dan pembagian abate; dan (6) Penilaian ABJ. Advokasi dan Pendidikan kesehatan mampu membangkitkan aksi nyata masyarakat melakukan gerakan 3M yaitu mengubur, menutup, dan menguras. Program ini mampu menghidupkan kembali gerakan PSN sebagai upaya vital pengendalian penularan DBD dengan indikator peningkatan peran serta masyarakat, terciptanya lingkungan yang bersih, dan meningkatnya rerata Angka Bebas Jentik sebesar 54,3%.

Abstract: Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever is an endemic disease in Tarakan City with an incident rate above the national average. Eradication of Mosquito Nests as the primary strategy for preventing dengue virus transmission is indicated not to take place properly. This program is intended to revive the PSN movement as the primary strategy for preventing DHF. The implementation method is in the form of health education and community empowerment. The locus of activity is in the villages of Tanjung Pasir and Tanjung Batu, which are coastal areas. The partners of this program are Puskesmas and Ward of Mamburungan and involve leaders and the community at the location of the activity. Indicators of success are measured based on community participation in the PSN movement and the larva-free rate. The revitalization stages include: (1) Formation and debriefing of cadres; (2) Health education; (3) larva inspection and survey of the Aedes aegypti mosquito population; (4) Mobilizing the community through environmental clean-up work; (5) Drainage water reservoirs and distribution of abates; dan (6) Flicker-free score assessment. Advocacy and health education can generate real action by the community in carrying out the 3M movement (burying, closing, and draining water reservoirs). This program was able to revive the PSN movement as a vital effort to control DHF transmission with indicators of increasing community participation, creating a clean environment, and increasing the average larvae-free rate of 54.3%.


DHF; Eradication of Mosquito Nests; Revitalization.

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