Maulidian Maulidian, Mutiara Dewi Puspitawati, Novita Novita, Iis Purnengsih


Abstrak: Peran entrepreneurship menjadi semakin penting dalam mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi dan inovasi. Sebagai respons terhadap tantangan ini, kami menyelenggarakan pelatihan Way to Entrepreneurship. Tujuan pelatihan adalah membekali mahasiswa Universitas Trilogi yang juga tergabung sebagai tenant Inkubator Bisnis dengan pengetahuan dan keterampilan esensial dalam kewirausahaan. Melalui pelatihan ini, diharapkan mahasiswa dapat mempersiapkan diri dan membangun kepercayaan diri dalam memulai dan mengelola bisnis mereka sendiri. Pelatihan dilaksanakan dalam format workshop yang dihadiri 32 peserta. Evaluasi kegiatan dilakukan dengan memberikan angket kepada peserta yang terdiri dari tiga kategori penilaian yaitu narasumber, materi, dan suasana. Hasil kegiatan menunjukkan bahwa narasumber menguasai materi, komunikatif, menarik, presentasi menarik, tepat waktu, dan memberi kesempatan diskusi dengan skor minimal 4,72. Materi yang disampaikan memiliki tujuan kegiatan jelas, relevan, bermanfaat, sesuai dengan harapan, cakupan memadai, dan sesuai dengan perkembangan industri, dengan nilai minal skor 4,66. Pada suasana kegiatan pelatihan menunjukkan bahwa peserta tidak setuju bahwa kegiatan membosankan dan kurang menarik dengan skor minimal 1,53. Selain itu, peserta juga setuju kegiatan banyak diskusi, peserta aktif berinteraksi, dan pelaksanaan tepat waktu, dengan skor minimal 3,91.

Abstract: The role of entrepreneurship is becoming increasingly important in driving economic growth and innovation. In response to this challenge, we organized the Way to Entrepreneurship training. The purpose of the training is to equip Trilogy University students who are also Business Incubator tenants with essential knowledge and skills in entrepreneurship. Through this training, students are expected to prepare themselves and build confidence in starting and managing their own business. The training was conducted in a workshop format with 32 participants. The evaluation was carried out using questionnaires that assessed three categories: the speaker, the material, and the atmosphere. The results demonstrated that the speaker effectively mastered the material, was communicative, engaging, timely, and facilitated discussions, with a minimum score of 4.72. The presented material was clear in its objectives, relevant, beneficial, met expectations, had adequate coverage, and was in line with industry developments, with a minimum score of 4.66. In terms of the training atmosphere, participants disagreed that the event was boring and lacked interest with a minimum score of 1.53. Furthermore, participants agreed that the event facilitated ample discussions, active participant interaction, and was executed on time, with a minimum score of 3.91.


Competency; Entrepreneurship; Incubation; Tenant; Training.

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