Berliana Devianti Putri, Winda Kusumawardani, Rizky Amalia Sinulingga, Elfira Nanda Virgyta Saputra, Aldila Deselma Mubarrokah, Dwi Setiani Sumardiko, Lailatul Muqmiroh, Amillia Kartika Sari, Muhaimin Muhaimin, Anisa Fitri Syabania


Abstrak: Stunting dapat mempengaruhi kualitas sumber daya manusia sehingga dapat menjadi hambatan pembangunan nasional. Stunting dapat dicegah melalui optimalisasi gizi 1000 HPK setiap individu baru. Berdasarkan Kemenkes 2021 Kabupaten Blora memiliki prevelensi stunting sebesar 21,5%. Besaran ini lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan prevelensi stunting di Provinsi Jawa Tengah yaitu sebesar 20,9%. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan status kesehatan perempuan berusia remaja hingga dewasa sebagai upaya pencegahan  stunting baru. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat berupa  penyuluhan stunting, penerapan keluarga sadar gizi (KADARZI) 1000 HPK (Hari Pertama Kelahiran),  dan praktik pengolahan pangan sesuai angka kecukupan gizi di wilayah Kecamatan Bogorejo, Blora, Jawa Tengah. Peserta kegiatan ini diikuti sebanyak 75 orang meliputi ibu kepala desa, kader posyandu, ibu balita stunting, serta ibu hamil KEK di lingkungan Kecamatan Bogorejo. Pengetahuan peserta sebelum mendapatkan materi rata-rata 79.30 dan meningkat secara signifikan setelah mendapatkan materi, yaitu rata-rata sebesar 84.21 (p-value=0.001). Edutaiment KADARZI 1000 HPK berjalan sukses dan telah mencapai indikator keberhasilan sebagai upaya peningkatan pengetahuan dalam rangka mencegah terjadinya stunting baru.

Abstract:  Stunting can affect the quality of human resources so that it can become an obstacle to national development. Stunting can be prevented through optimizing the nutrition of 1000 HPK every new individual. Based on the Ministry of Health 2021, Blora Regency has a stunting prevalence of 21.5%. This rate is higher than the stunting prevalence in Central Java Province, which is 20.9%. This activity aims to increase knowledge of the health status of women aged adolescents to adults as an effort to prevent new stunting (zero new stunting). Community service activities in the form of stunting counseling, (edutainment) implementation of a nutrition-aware family (KADARZI) 1000 HPK (First Day of Birth), and food processing practices according to the Nutritional Adequacy Rate in the bogorejo sub-district area, Blora, Central Java. The participants of this activity were 75 people, including village heads, posyandu cadres, mothers of stunting toddlers, and pregnant women with SEZ in Bogorejo sub-district. The participants' knowledge before getting the material averaged 79.30 and increased significantly after getting the material, which became an average of 84.21. Based on edutaiment indicators, KADARZI 1000 HPK is considered successful.



KADARZI; 1000 HPK; stunting.

Full Text:



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