Abstrak: Kanker payudara menjadi perhatian global karena tingginya insiden di seluruh dunia. Peningkatan kesadaran akan kanker payudara sangat penting untuk membantu perempuan berisiko mencari perawatan medis untuk penyakit tersebut. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini dilakukan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan terutama guru dan siswi mengenai cara deteksi dini kanker payudara. Sebelum kegiatan dilakukan, sosialisasi dilakukan di sekolah untuk mengetahui gambaran pengetahuan guru dan siswi di lokasi kegiatan. Kegiatan pengabdian ini dilakukan selama 2 hari, pada hari pertama dilakukan silaturrahmi antara tim pengabdian dengan mitra serta sosialisasi kegiatan, sedangkan hari kedua dilakukan edukasi bahaya kanker payudara dan simulasi/praktik SADARI pada guru dan siswi di MAS Muallimin Muhammadiyah Makassar sebanyak 25 orang yang terdiri dari 10 guru dan 15 siswi. Sebelum dan setelah edukasi dilakukan pengisian kuesioner untuk melihat distribusi frekuensi pengetahuan peserta. Hasil akhir kegiatan memperlihatkan adanya perubahan skor pengetahuan peserta dimana sebelum edukasi didapatkan skor pretest pengetahuan dengan nilai rata-rata 55, setelah edukasi didapatkan skor pengetahuan peserta dengan nilai rata-rata 73. Ini memperlihatkan bahwa adanya peningkatan pengetahuan mengenai kanker payudara dan pemeriksaan payudara secara mandiri setelah dilakukan edukasi.
Abstract: Breast cancer is a global concern due to its high incidence worldwide. Increased awareness of breast cancer is essential to help at-risk women seek medical treatment for the disease. This community service activity was carried out to increase knowledge, especially teachers and female students, about how to detect breast cancer early. Before the activity was carried out, socialization was carried out at the school to find out the description of the knowledge of teachers and students at the location of the activity. This service activity was carried out for 2 days, on the first day a friendship was held between the service team and partners and socialisation of activities, while the second day was carried out education on the dangers of breast cancer and simulation / practice of SADARI for teachers and students at MAS Muallimin Muhammadiyah Makassar as many as 25 people consisting of 10 teachers and 15 students. Before and after education, a questionnaire was filled in to see the frequency distribution of participants' knowledge. The final results of the activity showed a change in the participants' knowledge score where before education the pretest knowledge score was obtained with an average value of 55, after education the participants' knowledge score was obtained with an average value of 73. This shows that there is an increase in knowledge about breast cancer and breast self-examination after education.
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