Ari Yuniarto, La Ode Akbar Rasydy, Nasrullah Nasrullah, Nadila Melva Anggraeni, Devi Ika Lianti, Elsi Widiarti


Abstrak: Obesitas didefinisikan sebagai pengumpulan lemak yang tidak normal yang membahayakan kesehatan manusia. Tujuan pengabdian ini adalah untuk mengedukasi masyarakat di salah satu desa di Tangerang, mengenai pentingnya pemahaman sejak dini bahaya obesitas terhadap kesehatan. Kegiatan diawali dengan sosialisasi, pencatatan identitas, pemeriksaan kesehatan gratis yang meliputi pengukuran kadar gula darah, tekanan darah, dan IMT pada peserta yang berjumlah 25 orang, serta diakhiri dengan pengisian survey kepuasan. Berdasarkan hasil pemeriksaan yang dilakukan tim pengabdian kepada masyarakat, 13 orang memiliki IMT normal, 1 orang overweight, dan 11 orang obesitas. Pemeriksaan tekanan darah di masyarakat diperoleh hasil 4 orang memiliki tekanan darah normal, 8 orang pra hipertensi, 5 orang hipertensi stadium 1, dan 8 orang hipertensi stadium 2. Pemeriksaan kadar gula darah, 24 orang memiliki kadar gula darah normal, dan 1 orang memiliki kadar gula darah tinggi. Survey kepuasan yang kami dapatkan adalah mencapai 98%. Informasi yang diberikan kepada masyarakat mengenai bahaya obesitas diharapkan dapat dipahami dengan baik dan upaya pencegahan obesitas harus dilakukan sejak dini dengan memperbaiki pola hidup, memperhatikan pola makan, dan meningkatkan aktivitas fisik

Abstract: Obesity is defined as an abnormal accumulation of fat that endangers human health. This service aims to educate the community in one of the villages in Tangerang about the importance of understanding from an early age the dangers of obesity on health. The activity began with socialization, identity recording, and free health checks which included measuring blood sugar levels, blood pressure and BMI for 25 participants, and ended with filling out a satisfaction survey. Based on the results of examinations carried out by the community service team, 13 people had a normal BMI, 1 person was overweight, and 11 people were obese. Blood pressure checks in the community showed that 4 people had normal blood pressure, 8 people were pre-hypertensive, 5 people had stage 1 hypertension, and 8 people had stage 2 hypertension. Blood sugar levels were checked, 24 people had normal blood sugar levels, and 1 had high blood sugar. The satisfaction survey we got was 98%. It is hoped that the information provided to the public regarding the dangers of obesity can be well understood and efforts to prevent obesity must be made early by improving lifestyle, paying attention to diet and increasing physical activity.


Body Mass Index; Diabetes Mellitus; Health; Obesity.

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