Eufrasia Jeramat, Valeria Suryani Kurnila, Gabariela Purnama Ningsi, Fransiskus Nendi, Fransiskus Suhardi, Yohanes Rion Afandi


Abstrak: Pendampingan pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran matematika berbasis Differentiated Instruction (DI) adalah kegiatan yang dilakukan pada bulan maret hingga juni 2024. Pendampingan ini melibatkan dua sekolah menengah pertama yaitu SMPN 4 Langke Rembong dan SMP Seminari Pius XII Kisol. Tujuan kegiatan pendampingan adalah meningkatkan softskill dan hard skill guru matematika dalam merancang modul ajar dan melaksanakan pembelajaran berbasis DI. Kegiatan ini dilakukan melalui tiga tahap yaitu persiapan, tahap pelaksanaan, dan tahap evaluasi. Tahap persiapan berupa coaching & diskusi. Tahap pelaksanaan berupa pendampingan penyusunan perangkat dan pelaksanaan pembelajaran dengan DI. Tahap evaluasi berupa penilaian terhadap pemahaman konsep DI dan pelaksanaan pembelajaran dengan DI. Hasil yang telah dicapai adalah pemahaman konsep mengalami peningkatan sebesar 27.39%, dan pelaksanaan pembelajaran dengan DI sebesar 31,94%.

Abstract: Assistance in developing mathematics learning tools based on Differentiated Instruction (DI) is a service activity from March to June 2024. This assistance involved two junior high schools, SMPN 4 Langke Rembong, and SMP Seminari Pius XII Kisol. The mentoring activity aims to improve the soft and hard skills of mathematics teachers in designing teaching modules and implementing DI-based learning. This activity was carried out through three stages: preparation, implementation, and evaluation. The preparation stage is in the form of coaching and discussion. The implementation stage is in the form of assistance in the preparation of tools and implementation of learning with DI. The evaluation stage assesses the understanding of DI concepts and the implementation of learning with DI. The results that have been achieved are that the understanding of concepts has increased by 27.39%, and the implementation of learning with DI has increased by 31.94%.


Mathematics Learning Tools; Differentiated Instruction.

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