Sri Wahyuni, Mardiah Sarah, Servasius Dahiba, Frederikus Siga, Agustina Efra Sumantri


Abstrak: Masyarakat desa Mbobhenga hidup berdampingan dengan 40 ha hutan produksi yang merupakan bagian dari hutan kemasyarakatan. Kekhawatiran, Unit Kesatuan Hutan Kabuapten Ende beserta kelas kreatif Uma Rema Class Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi Universitas Flores, menggagas program pemberdayaan masyarakat dengan meningkatkan keterampilan dalam memanfaatkan produk hutan non kayu yaitu daun Lobha (Symplocos sp) sebagai salah satu luaran bagi program PPK-Ormawa Kemendibudristek. Kegiatan pelatihan dilakukan pada kelompok sasaran yaitu pemuda pengelola jasa lingkungan (10 orang) dan ibu-ibu sekitar kawasan (10 orang). Evaluasi program dilakukan dengan melihat peningkatan keterampilan kelompok sasaran yang dianalisis secara sederhana melalui pre-tes dan post-test (5 poin pertanyaan dasar) dan pengamatan langsung. Terjadi peningkatan pengetahuan tentang tanaman Lobha dan pemanfaatannya sebesar 28,8% dan peningkatan keterampilan sebesar 32,75% serta peningkatan nilai ekonomi sebesar 45,72%.

Abstract: The people of Mbobhenga Village live side by side with 40 ha of production forests that are part of the community forest. Concerns of forest encroachment make the village, the Forest Unit Unit of the Ende Regency along with the creative class of the UMA Rema Class Faculty of Science and Technologi, Flores University, initiated a community empowerment program by increasing skills in utilizing non -wood forest products, namely Lobha Leaves (Symplocos sp) as one of the outputs for the program PPK-Ormawa Kemendibudristek. The training activity was carried out in the target group, namely the youth management of environmental services (10 people) and mothers around the area (10 people). Program evaluation is done by looking at the improvement of the skills of the target groups analyzed simply through pre-test and post-test (5 point basic questions) and direct observation. There was an increase in knowledge of Lobha plants and its utilization by 28.8% and an increase in skills by 32.75% and an increase in economic value by 45.72%.



Wood Forest Products; Symplocos sp; PPK-Ormawa.

Full Text:



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