Laily Hanifah, Fridya Syavina Putri, Febilla Dwinanda Riyanti, Puteri Salwa


Abstrak: Pengetahuan mahasiswa dari Perguruan Tinggi di Indonesia mengenai deteksi dini HIV/AIDS masih rendah, terbukti dari hasil pre-test dengan nilai rata-rata yaitu sebesar 46,75. Oleh karena itulah dipandang perlu dilakukan edukasi mengenai deteksi dini HIV/AIDS dengan tujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan mahasiswa dari Perguruan Tinggi di Indonesia. Pengabdian dilakukan dengan melakukan edukasi kesehatan kepada 80 mahasiswa dari Perguruan Tinggi di Indonesia melalui Zoom Meeting. Monitoring dan evaluasi pengetahuan peserta dilakukan dengan pengisian kuesioner pre dan post-test yang berjumlah 10 soal pilihan ganda. Berdasarkan hasil edukasi, terdapat peningkatan pengetahuan peserta yang menjadi 84,38 pada post-test yang artinya edukasi yang diberikan berhasil meningkatkan pengetahuan mahasiswa mengenai pencegahan dan deteksi dini HIV. Sebagai saran, diharapkan Senat Mahasiswa seluruh Indonesia mengadakan edukasi kesehatan mengenai deteksi dini HIV setiap tahunnya.

Abstract: The knowledge of students from universities in Indonesia regarding early detection of HIV/AIDS is still low, as evidenced by the results of the pre-test with an average score of 46.75. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct education on early detection of HIV/AIDS with the aim of increasing the knowledge of students from universities in Indonesia. The service was carried out by conducting health education to 80 students from universities in Indonesia through Zoom Meeting. Monitoring and evaluation of participants' knowledge was carried out by filling out pre and post-test questionnaires. Based on the results of the education, it can be seen that there is an increase in participants' knowledge as seen from the pre-test score to 84.38 in the post-test, which means that education is useful for increasing college students' insight into HIV early detection. It is suggested that University Students Senate in Indonesia will hold health education specifically on early detection for HIV every year.


Health Education; Hiv Early Detection; Increased Health Knowledge.

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