Abstrak: Remaja putri banyak mengalami Kekurangan Energi Kronik (KEK) sebanyak 0,04% karena kurangnya pengetahuan terkait gizi seimbang sehingga belum memiliki kemandirian dalam perilaku kesehatan. Untuk itu diperlukan program meningkatkan kemandirian remaja melalui program belia bestari. Dalam program belia bestari melakukan pendekatan dengan karang taruna dan kader untuk turut serta terlibat dalam pelaksanaan dan pengawasan. Tujuan kegiatan ini untuk menurunkan KEK melalui peningkatan keterampilan pengukuran lingkar lengan secara mandiri. Metode edukasi tentang KEK pada remaja putri, pelatihan pemeriksaan antropometri pada remaja putri, demonstrasi pengolahan bahan pangan lokal yang melibatkan mitra karang taruna dan kader sebanyak 9 orang serta mitra sasaran sebanyak 17 remaja putri. Evaluasi dilakukan dengan melakukan penilaian pengetahuan sebelum dan sesudah edukasi, penilaian keterampilan sebelum dan sesudah pelatihan dan demonstrasi. Hasilnya peningkatan pengetahuan remaja putri tentang KEK dari 70% baik menjadi 96% baik, peningkatan keterampilan remaja putri dalam pemantauan antropometri dari 0% menjadi 100% baik dan peningkatan keterampilan pengolahan bahan pangan lokal dari 0% menjadi 100% baik. Selama 7 bulan dilakukan monitoring sebanyak 3 kali menggunakan ceklis ketrampilan pengukuran lingkar lengan. Luaran kegiatan selama monitoring menurunnya kejadian KEK pada remaja putri.
Abstract: Adolescent girls experience chronic energy deficiency (CED) as much as 0.04% due to lack of knowledge related to balanced nutrition so that they do not have independence in health behavior. For this reason, a program to increase the independence of adolescents is needed through the bestari youth program. In the youth program, bestari approaches youth organizations and cadres to participate in the implementation and supervision. The purpose of this activity is to reduce energy shortages through improving arm circumference measurement skills independently. Educational methods on CED in adolescent girls, anthropometric examination training for adolescent girls, demonstration of local food processing involving partners youth organizations and cadres of 9 people and target partners as many as 17 adolescent girls. Evaluation is carried out by conducting knowledge assessments before and after education, skills assessments before and after training and demonstrations. The results were an increase in the knowledge of adolescent girls about CED from 70% good to 96% good, an increase in adolescent girls' skills in anthropometric monitoring from 0% to 100% good and an increase in local food processing skills from 0% to 100% good. For 7 months, monitoring was carried out 3 times using the arm circumference measurement skill check. Activity outcomes during monitoring decreased incidence of chronic energy deficiency in adolescent girls.
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