Abstrak: Pembelajaran online di SMPN 12 Konawe Selatan dilaksanakan dengan hanya memanfaatkan Whatsapp Group, sebab umumnya guru belum memiliki kemampuan yang cukup untuk menggunakan aplikasi kelas virtual yang disarankan. Hal ini dianggap tidak maksimal, sebab interaksi dan materi yang disajikan sangat terbatas serta guru terkendala dalam mengevaluasi hasil kerja siswanya. Tujuan pengabdian ini adalah melakukan pelatihan bagi guru dalam penggunaan aplikasi kelas virtual seperti Zoho Form, Google Classroom, Webex Meet, Zoom Meet, dan Microsoft Teams agar dapat meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran online. Pelatihan diikuti oleh 28 guru dan SMPN 12 Konawe Selatan sebagai mitra. Respon dan kemampuan guru dianalisis melalui kuesioner, dan diperoleh hasil: 1) guru sangat setuju menggunakan aplikasi kelas virtual; 2) guru bersikap terbuka dengan penggunaan aplikasi kelas virtual; dan 3)guru berharap aplikasi kelas virtual segera dimanfaatkan dalam pembelajaran online di SMPN 12 Konawe Selatan. Berdasarkan hasil analisis melalui aspek trainer, materi, sarana dan parasara pelatihan, serta waktu pelatihan, keseluruhan kegiatan pelatihan memperoleh nilai 3,77 yang berarti sangat baik.
Abstract: Online learning at Junior High School 12 South Konawe is carried out by only using Whatsapp Group, because generally teachers do not have sufficient skills to use the recommended virtual classroom applications. This is considered not optimal, because the interaction and material presented are very limited and the teacher is constrained in evaluating the work of their students. The aim of this service is to provide training for teachers in the use of virtual classroom applications such as Zoho Form, Google Classroom, Webex Meet, Zoom Meet, and Microsoft Teams in order to improve the quality of online learning. The training was attended by 28 teachers and Junior High School 12 South Konawe as partners. Teacher responses and abilities were analyzed through a questionnaire, and the results were: 1) the teacher strongly agreed to use virtual classroom applications; 2) the teacher is open to the use of virtual classroom applications; and 3) the teacher hopes that the virtual classroom application will soon be used in online learning at Junior High School 12 South Konawe. Based on the results of the analysis through the aspects of the trainer, material, training facilities and parasara, as well as training time, the overall training activity received a score of 3.77 which means very good.
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