Abstrak: Limbah organik berasal dari rumah tangga sehari-hari, pasar, hotel, dan restoran. Sayangnya, pengelolaan limbah masih belum disosialisasikan kepada masyarakat. Sebagian besar masyarakat belum mengetahui cara pengelolaannya, begitu juga dengan masyarakat perumahan Coco Garden Kabupaten Bogor yang langsung membuang limbah rumah tangga tanpa dipilah terlebih dahulu. Akibatnya kebersihan dan kesehatan lingkungan yang kurang terjaga. Ketidaktahuan masyarakat dan pentingnya menjaga lingkungan yang sehat membuat tim pengabdian masyarakat melakukan pelatihan kepada 16 (enam belas) ibu-ibu kader PKK untuk membuat pupuk dengan memanfaatkan limbah rumah tangga melalui metode pengomposan takakura. Langkah-langkah yang dilakukan melalui empat tahap: perizinan, persiapan, praktek, dan pemantauan. Berdasarkan hasil angket tanggapan, diketahui peserta merasa puas dan menilai bahwa pelatihan dan narasumber sudah baik dalam memberikan materi sehingga peserta mendapatkan ilmu dari ahlinya dan merasa nyaman selama pelatihan. Kendala yang dihadapi adalah peserta belum bisa membedakan jenis limbah rumah tangga yang digunakan dalam pembuatan kompos takakura, tidak fokus selama kegiatan, dan hujan yang turun berpotensi mengganggu proses pembusukan.
Abstract: Organic waste comes from everyday households, markets, hotels, and restaurants. Unfortunately, waste management has not yet been socialized to the public. Most people do not know how to manage it, and as well as the Coco Garden housing community, Bogor Regency immediately disposes of their household waste without being sorted first. As a result, environmental hygiene and health are not maintained. The ignorance of the community and the importance of maintaining a healthy environment made the community service team conduct training for 16 PKK cadres to make fertilizer by utilizing household waste through the takakura composting method. The steps are carried out through four stages: licensing, preparation, practice, and monitoring. Based on the results of the questionnaire responses, it was found that the participants were satisfied and assessed that the training and resource persons had been good in providing material so that participants gained knowledge from the experts and felt comfortable during the training. The obstacles faced were that participants were not able to distinguish the types of household waste used in making takakura compost, were not focused during the activity, and the rain that fell could potentially interfere with the decomposition process.
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