Percentile Bootstrap Interval on Univariate Local Polynomial Regression Prediction

Abil Mansyur, Elmanani Simamora, Ahmad Ahmad


This study offers a new technique for constructing percentile bootstrap intervals to predict the regression of univariate local polynomials. Bootstrap regression uses resampling derived from paired and residual bootstrap methods. The main objective of this study is to perform a comparative analysis between the two resampling methods by considering the nominal coverage probability. Resampling uses a nonparametric bootstrap technique with the return method, where each sample point has an equal chance of being selected. The principle of nonparametric bootstrapping uses the original sample data as a source of diversity in contrast to parametric bootstrapping, where the variety comes from generating a particular distribution. The simulation results show that the paired and residual bootstrap interval coverage probabilities are close to nominal coverage. The results showed no significant difference between paired bootstrap interval and percentile residual. Increasing the bootstrap sample size sufficiently large gives the scatterplot smoothness of the confidence interval. Applying the smoothing parameter by choice gives a second-order polynomial regression with a smoother distribution than the first-order polynomial regression. The scatterplot shows that the second-degree polynomial regression can capture the data curvature feature compared to the first-degree polynomial. The bands made from second-degree polynomials give a narrower width than first-degree polynomials. In contrast, applying optimal smoothing parameters to the model provides different conclusions by using smoothing parameters based on choice. In addition to the differences based on the scatterplot, the bootstrap estimates of the coverage probability are also other. Selecting smoothing parameters based on a particular value provides probability coverage with the paired bootstrap method for the first-degree local polynomial regression is 0.93, while the second-degree local polynomial is 0.96. The probability of coverage based on the residual bootstrap method for the first-degree local polynomial regression is 0.95, while the second-degree local polynomial is 0.96. The probability coverage based on the optimal parameters of the paired bootstrap method for the first-degree local polynomial regression is 0.945, while the second-degree local polynomial is 0.93. The residual bootstrap method gives the first-degree local polynomial regression of 0.95, while the second-degree local polynomial is 0.93. In general, both bootstrap methods work well for estimating prediction confidence intervals.


Simulation; Percentile Bootstrap; Local Polynomial; Regression; Paired Bootstrap; Residual Bootstrap.

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