The Application of Truncated Spline Semiparametric Path Analysis on Determining Factors Influencing Cashless Society Development

Dea Saraswati Pramaningrum, Adji Achmad Rinaldo Fernandes, Atiek Iriany, Solimun Solimun


Semiparametric path analysis is a combination of parametric and nonparametric path analysis. Semiparametric path analysis is used when there are partially nonlinear and unknown patterns of relationships. One approach to semiparametric pathways is truncated spline. Truncated spline approach tends to search for their own estimation of regression functions according to the data. This is because in the truncated spline there are knot points, which are intersection points that indicate changes in data behavior patterns. Truncated spline semiparametric path analysis will be applied to this study to determine the variables that have a significant effect on the development of the Cashless Society so that the result can be used as a reference for banks and the government in maximizing non-cash-based community development. The data used is the result of a questionnaire with 100 respondents of mobile banking users in Jakarta and will be analyzed using R Studio. Based on the results, it was found that the optimal knot point in the truncated spline function is 3 with many knots is 1, thus dividing the condition of digitizing electronic money into 2 regimes. It was concluded that the product and digitalization of electronic money had a significant effect on the development of cashless society where the modeling obtained could explain 83.87548% of the data. However, when electronic digitalization increases through the value of knot points, the development of cashless society tends to stagnate. This could be due to people who are not ready when the condition of digitizing electronic money is increasingly sophisticated because the available electronic money features are increasingly complex. Therefore, it is important for banks to pay attention to the sophistication of electronic money features provided to customers and adjust the target market so that customers are more accustomed and comfortable to use electronic money in the future.


Truncated Spline; Semiparametric; Path Analysis; Cashless Society; Electronic Money.

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