Development of a Desmos-Assisted Planar Analytic Geometry Textbook to Support High Order Thinking Skills
The study focuses on improving higher-order thinking skills (HOTS) in mathematics students using a Desmos-assisted planar analytic geometry course. Analytic geometry, which is essential for understanding geometric properties using analytic methods, requires students to develop problem-solving, analysis, assessment, and creativity abilities. However, current educational practices fall short of acquiring these abilities due to insufficient instructional techniques, textbooks, and a lack of integration with information and communication technologies. To address these shortcomings, the study proposes a Desmos-assisted textbook meant to increase students' HOTS through the use of interactive Desmos platform tools such as graphic depiction, experimentation, simulation, and collaborative learning. The textbook development followed the PLOMP model, which included preliminary research, prototyping, and assessment phases, ensuring the textbook's validity and practicality through reiterated evaluations. The findings show that the textbook is highly valid and practical for instructional purposes, improving students' knowledge of mathematical concepts and ability to engage in HOTS processes. Despite some difficulties with HOTS-related practice questions, generally student feedback was positive, emphasizing the textbook's function in supporting a deeper understanding of analytic geometry and encouraging problem-solving skills. The study indicates that integrating technology such as Desmos into mathematics education can greatly contribute to the development of students' HOTS, and recommends its use in teaching techniques as well as additional research on its implementation in educational contexts.
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