Factors Influencing Madrasah E-Learning Satisfaction on Mathematics Teachers of Madrasah Tsanawiyah in Jakarta

Siska Merrydian, Yumiati Yumiati, Mery Noviyanti


This study analyzes the effect of attitude, quality, and flexibility on satisfaction and the implications for the desire to continue using madrasah e-learning for mathematics teachers in seventh grade for algebra material. The research includes non-experimental quantitative research. The population of this research is a mathematics teacher at the seventh-grade Madrasah Tsanawiyah in DKI Jakarta Province who teaches algebra material using madrasah e-learning. Sampling by convenience sampling and obtaining a sample of 225 teachers. The method of data collection is using a questionnaire. A Likert scale 1-5 questionnaire to collect data, data analysis method using PLS-SEM. Interviews with nine teachers were conducted to explore the causes of teachers agreeing and disagreeing with using e-learning madrasah in algebra learning. The results showed that teacher attitudes, e-learning quality, and e-learning flexibility significantly and positively affected e-learning satisfaction. E-learning satisfaction significantly and positively affects the desire to continue using e-learning. The interviews showed that teachers agreed because e-learning madrasah could help and facilitate teachers and students, and teachers did not agree because they encountered some difficulties in learning algebra.


E-Learning; Satisfaction; Junior High School.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.31764/jtam.v6i4.9883


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