Ulul Albab: Majalah Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Ulul Albab: Majalah Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Journal TitleUlul Albab: Majalah Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram
InitialsUlul Albab
Frequency2 issues per year (January & July)
DOIprefix 10.31764 by 


OAI Addresshttp://journal.ummat.ac.id/index.php/jua/oai 
Editor-in-ChiefAgus Kurniawan
Managing Editor


IndexingGoogle Scholar, LIPi, CrossRef, Garba Rujukan Digital (Garuda)
Contact Admin[email protected] | +62 878-6400-3847
PublisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Ulul Albab: Majalah Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram that specifically publishes research results in:


  1. Interdisciplinary Studies: Presenting interdisciplinary research and thinking that spans various fields of knowledge such as social sciences, humanities, sciences, technology, and religion.
  2. Policy Development and Practices: Considering the implications of research on policy development and practices in various sectors, including education, health, economy, and the environment.
  3. Cultural and Social Studies: Exploring cultural, social, and historical aspects in diverse global contexts, with a focus on understanding and respecting diversity.
  4. Innovation and Technology: Discussing the latest innovations in technology, as well as their impacts on society, the economy, and the environment.


  1. Religious and Philosophical Studies: In-depth analysis of world religions, philosophy, and spirituality in modern contexts.
  2. Social and Humanitarian Studies: Research on social issues such as justice, inequality, human rights, and migration.
  3. Natural Sciences and Technology: Research on recent scientific developments, technology, and their applications in everyday life.
  4. Public Policy and Community Development: Review of public policy, community development, and sustainable governance.

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Vol 29, No 1 (2025): Januari

Table of Contents


Alfiana Yurika Sari, Mei Rina Lestari, Riana Della Puspita Octaviani, Ananda Sisilia Laksana Putri, Dwi Sischa Ardiana, Muhammad Bahrudin
Views of Abstract: 57 | DOWNLOAD [PDF]: 1
Imam Mabrur, Ahadiah Agustina
Views of Abstract: 68 | DOWNLOAD [PDF]: 2
Firman Aziz, Rama Wijaya Abdul Rozak
Views of Abstract: 40 | DOWNLOAD [PDF]: 0
Saba Mehmood, Wasim Raza
Views of Abstract: 29 | DOWNLOAD [PDF]: 0
Malik Ibrahim, Habibi Ratu Perwira Negara
Views of Abstract: 23 | DOWNLOAD [PDF]: 0