Parametric Survival Model on IPB University’s Graduation Data
Graduation is one of the assessment criteria in the college accreditation process. Students who graduate on time will assist in the assessment of college accreditation. This study aims to determine the distribution that best fits student graduation data and determine the best model to analyze the factors that determine student graduation from IPB University. This study presents some parametric models in survival analysis, specifically, the accelerated failure time (AFT) model and the proportional hazard (PH) model. The objective of this research is to compare the performance of PH model and the AFT models in analyzing the significant factors affecting the student graduation at the IPB University. Based on the study's results, the distribution according to student graduation data is the Burr XII distribution, and the best model using the AIC criteria is the PH Burr XII model. The factors that influence the graduation of IPB University students are gender, faculty, GPA, regional origin, and school status.
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