The Decomposition of a Finitely Generated Module over Some Special Ring
This research aims to give the decompositions of a finitely generated module over some special ring, such as the principal ideal domain and Dedekind domain. One of the main problems with module theory is to analyze the objects of the module. This research was using a literature study on finitely generated modules topics from scientific journals, especially those related to the module theory. And by selective cases we find a pattern to build a conjecture or a hypothesis, by deductive proof, we prove the conjecture and state it as a theorem. The main result in this study is the decomposition of the finitely generated module is a direct sum of the torsion submodule and torsion-free submodule. Since the torsion-free module is always a free module over a principal ideal domain, then the torsion-free submodule is a free module. Last, we generalize the ring, from a principal ideal domain, to a Dedekind domain. We found then the torsion-free submodule became a projective module. Then the decomposition of the finitely generated module is a direct sum of the torsion submodule and the projective submodule. These results should help the researchers to analyze the objects on module theory.
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