UMMAT Scientific Journals

UMMAT Scientific Journals

UMMAT Scientific journals system is containing acadamic journals which are managed officially by faculties and departments of Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram - Indonesia.

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Tambora Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat

Journal TitleTambora Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
FrequencyMaret, Juli, November
DOIprefix 10.31764 by 
PublisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Mataram
OAI Address
Editor-in-ChiefDr. Ibrahim, M.Sc
IndexingGoogle Scholar
Contact+62 853-3556-8093
PublicationNovember 2024

Tambora Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat aims to disseminate the results of conceptual thinking and ideas, especially the results of educational research and technology to be realized in the community, including (1) Fields of science, applied, social, economic, health, cultural, ICT development, and administrative services, (2) Training and improvement in the results of educational, agricultural, information and communication, and religious technology (3) Teaching and empowering communities and communities of students, youth, youth and community organizations on an ongoing basis.


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Islamic International Conference on Education, Communication, and Economics

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Proceeding of International Conference on Green Technology, Agricultural, and Socio-Economics

The 2024 International Conference on Green Technology, Agricultural, and Socio-Economics (ICGTASE) is an international conference that discusses the issues of integrating Environmentally Friendly Technology, Agricultural Innovation, and Socio-Economic Development for a Sustainable Future. Will be held on 23-24 October 2024 in Mataram, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. This conference was organized by the Institute for Research and Community Service, Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram (UMMAT). The theme of this conference is "Integrating Eco-Friendly Technology, Agricultural Innovation and Socio-Economic Development for a Sustainable Future". This conference aims to keep abreast of the latest developments and innovations on sustainable development issues as well as providing an interesting platform for participants to share knowledge and expertise in related disciplines. 

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Applied Microorganisms Activity

The Journal of Applied Microorganisms Activity (AMA) accepts manuscripts of research findings (research articles), systematic reviews, and meta-analyses closely related to the field of health, particularly in the pharmaceutical sciences, focusing on the application of microorganism activities. Selected manuscripts for publication in this journal will be sent to two expert reviewers in the respective field who are not affiliated with the same institution as the authors, chosen based on the editorial team's considerations. The review process is conducted anonymously, ensuring that both the authors and the reviewers are unaware of each other's identities and affiliations.

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Proceeding of International Seminar On Student Research In Education, Science, and Technology

Proceeding of International Seminar on Student Research in Education, Science, and Technology (ISSN 3047-1532) is an international proceedings that publishes research results in the focus of Educational Technology, Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Geography, etc.), and Technology. This proceedings is managed by the Center for Student Research, Publications, and Intellectual Property Rights of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram. The focus and scope in detail are as follows.

Artificial Intelligence in Education

  1. Utilizing Augmented Reality (AR) Technology in the Learning Process at Schools and Universities
  2. Innovations in Technology-Based Learning
  3. Online Learning: Challenges, Opportunities, and Innovations
  4. Development of Interactive Educational Applications

Curriculum Development Based on Research

  1. Responsive Curriculum Development in Education
  2. Implementation of 21st Century Education Models in Student Learning
  3. Enhancing the Quality of Science and Technology Education for Teachers
  4. Strategies for Collaborative Learning
  5. Innovative Teaching Methods

Output-Based Learning

  1. Character Education in Academic Settings
  2. Critical Thinking Skills in Education
  3. Active Project-Based Learning
  4. Improving Digital Literacy in Education
  5. STEM-Based Education

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Studi Islam dan Muhammadiyah (SIAM)

SIAM mengundang para cendekiawan, peneliti, dosen dan mahasiswa untuk menyumbangkan hasil kajian dan penelitiannya di bidang-bidang yang berkaitan dengan Islam, Masyarakat Muslim, dan Organisasi Muhammadiyah yang meliputi penelitian tekstual, maupun penelitian lapangan dan pengembangan dalam prespektif Pemikiran maupun Pendidikan Ke-Islaman dan Kemuhammadiyahan. Fokusnya adalah untuk memberikan pemahaman yang lebih baik kepada pembaca tentang Studi Islam dan Organiasi Muhammadiyah baik dalam perkembangannya di Indonesia maupun Luar Negeri dan menyajikan perkembangannya melalui publikasi artikel. SIAM diharapkan mampu mempresentasikan perkembangan studi Islam Indonesia dan organisasi Muhammadiyah, serta dimaksudkan untuk mengomunikasikan penelitian asli dan isu-isu terkini tentang subjek tersebut.

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Lumbung Pengabdian Kesehatan

Lumbung Pengabdian Kesehatan: Jurnal Pengabdian Bidang Kesehata dengan ISSN: 3032-4335 Merupakan jurnal peer-review yang diterbitkan empat kali pada bulan Januari, April, Juli, dan Oktober oleh Program Studi Farmasi, Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram. Lumbung Pengabdian Kesehatan: Jurnal Pengabdian Bidang Kesehata bertujuan untuk memberikan informasi pengabdian kepada pihak-pihak terkait di bidang kesehatan. Jurnal ini menyajikan manuskrip dibidang pengabdian terkait sosialisasi, perilaku, pengetahuan, pengembagan, dan pemberian informasi pada bidang kesehatan. Artikel-artikel yang diterbitkan di Lumbung Pengabdian Kesehatan: Jurnal Pengabdian Bidang Kesehata telah melalui proses Single-blind-review oleh peer reviewer. Keputusan menerima atau tidak menerima artikel ilmiah dalam jurnal ini merupakan hak Dewan Redaksi berdasarkan rekomendasi peer reviewer.

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Journal Law and Government

Jurnal Law And Government  ISSN 2986-1292 (Print) ISSN: 2985-8003 (Online) adalah salah satu jurnal Program Studi Magister Hukum Pascasarjana Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram adalah jurnal akses terbuka dan peer-review yang bertujuan untuk menawarkan studi hukum, kebijakan pemerintah, hukum dan masyarakat, peraturan perundang-undangan, dan isu-isu hukum yang telah berkembang di berbagai negara. Kajian ini tidak terbatas pada berbagai bidang hukum pidana, hukum perdata, hukum tata negara, hukum tata negara, perkembangan hukum Islam, hukum internasional, hukum humaniter, dan bidang lain mengenai isu-isu kontemporer di bidang hukum.

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Jurnal Pengabdian Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia (ABDIBASINDO)

ABDIBASINDO (Pengabdian Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia) adalah jurnal yang memuat artikel hasil pengabdian kepada masyarakat di bidang pembelajaran pendidikan bahasa dan sastra indonesia. Jurnal ini terbit dua kali dalam setahun, yaitu pada bulan Juni dan bulan Desember.

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El-Khidmat; Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat

El-Khidmat; Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat merupakan jurnal ilmiah nasional multidisiplin yang diterbitkan oleh Fakultas Agama Islam Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram yang mencakup banyak masalah atau masalah umum yang terkait dengan layanan masyarakat. Publikasi jurnal ini bertujuan untuk menyebarluaskan pemikiran atau gagasan konseptual dan hasil penelitian yang telah dicapai di bidang pengabdian masyarakat.

El-Khidmat; Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat memuat berbagai kegiatan dari berbagai kalangan masyarakat dalam menangani dan mengelola berbagai potensi, hambatan, tantangan dan permasalahan yang ada di masyarakat. Pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian juga melibatkan peran serta masyarakat dan mitra. Kegiatan pengabdian disusun menjadi suatu kegiatan yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat.

El-Khidmat; Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat akan diterbitkan setiap enam bulan. Setiap penulis yang tertarik dapat mengirimkan naskah mengikuti pedoman pengiriman. Harap baca panduan ini dengan cermat. Penulis yang ingin mengirimkan naskahnya ke redaksi Jurnal El-Khidmat; Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat  harus mematuhi pedoman penulisan. Jika naskah yang dikirimkan tidak sesuai dengan pedoman atau ditulis dalam format yang berbeda, maka akan  DITOLAK  oleh editor sebelum ditinjau lebih lanjut. Editor hanya akan menerima naskah yang memenuhi format yang ditentukan.


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Journal of Information Technology and System Integration

Journal TitleJournal of Information Technology and System Integration
Frequency2 issues per year (February & August)
DOIprefix 10.31764 by 
OAI Address 
Editor-in-ChiefMuhammad Rizkillah

February 2013


Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Contact Admin[email protected] | [email protected]

Journal of Information Technology and System Integration is a publication media managed by the Information Technology Systems Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram (UMMAT) published by the Institute for Research and Community Service, Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram (LPPM UMMAT) which contains articles based on research results with the scope of publications related to research themes in accordance with the scientific field of Informatics which includes Computer Engineering, Computer Science, and Information System.

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El-Afaq;Prosiding FAI merupakan prosiding yang memuat hasil karya ilmiah mahasiswa S1 maupun D3 yang dipresentasikan dalam setiap seminar yang dilaksanakan oleh Fakultas Agama Islam Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram. Adapun bidang karya ilmiah yang dimuat sesuai dengan tema seminar tiap semesternya. prosiding ini diterbitkan dua kali dalam setahun yaitu pada bulan maret dan september.

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Jurnal Pengabdian Ruang Hukum (JPRH)

Jurnal Pengabdian Ruang Hukum (JPRH) adalah

jurnal pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang berada

dalam naungan Fakultas Hukum Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

(FH-UMMAT). JPRH merupakan wadah akademik untuk mempublikasi

berbagai kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat di bidang hukum.

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Journal of Community Empowerment

Journal title

Journal of Community Empowerment

Frequency2 issues per year (June, and Desember)
DOIprefix 10.31764 by
Print ISSN2961-9459
Online ISSN2963-7090
Editor-in-ChiefDr. Ilham, M.Pd
PublisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Mataram
Contact[email protected]
PublicationJuni 2022
StatusSubmitted for accreditation
Indexing bySinta | Google Scholar | OneSearch | Garuda | Moraref | Crossref | Dimensions
Focus and ScopeJournal of Community Empowerment is multidisciplinary scientific journal in the field of empowerment and community Service, published by the English Department Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram with a publication period of two times in  one year, namely in June and December. This journal covers some general problems from the results of research implemented to the community services including (1) social humanities, science, applied science, economic, health, cultural, ICT Development, and administration services, (2) Training and improvement in the results of educational, agricultural, information and communication, and appropriate technology, (3) community empowerment, students community services, local food security, marketing, and less developed region. The purpose of this journal publication is to disseminate conceptual thoughts or ideas and research results that have been achieved in the field of service to the community. This journal accepts manuscript in Bahasa or English.

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Abdimas Mandalika

Journal title

Abdimas Mandalika

FrequencyFebruari, Mei, Agustus, November
DOIprefix 10.31764 by
Online ISSN2807-5943
PublisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Mataram
StatusTerakreditasi SINTA 4
PublicationAgustus 2021
Indexing bySinta | Google Scholar | OneSearch | Garuda | Moraref | Crossref | Dimensions
Focus and ScopeJournals that disseminate every thought and idea on the results of research and the use of technology to be implemented to the community include; (1). The fields of science, Natural Sciences (Physics, Chemistry, Biology), Applied Sciences, Social, Cultural, Economics, Health, Law, Religion and Psychology (2). Training and improvement of educational, agricultural, information and communication outcomes and (3). ICT Development

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Seminar Nasional Paedagoria

“Teknologi dan Asesmen untuk Menunjang Merdeka Belajar”

Prof. Dr. Ir. Dwi Sulisworo, M.T (Guru Besar FKIP Universitas Ahmad Dahlan Yogyakarta)

Katman, S.Pd., M.A
(Kepala Balai Penjamin Mutu Pendidikan Provinsi NTB)

Dr. Sri Rejeki, M.Pd
(Dosen FKIP Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram)


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Journal of Environmental Policy and Technology

Journal of Environmental Policy and Technology (JEPTEC) is an open access, multidisciplinary journal focusing on environmental policy, sustainability research, and technology. It explores the environmental dimensions of common policies, sustainability, and technology. In addition, the JEPTEC serves as a platform for addressing and discussing theoretical and practical environmental management and sustainability issues in corporations, governments, education institutions, regions, and societies.

The JEPTEC publishes papers that critically engage with theories and analytical approaches which can be applied in environmental policy, technology, or sustainability studies and thus contribute to broader debates. Therefore, the scopes of the journal include, but are not limited to:

-Policy instruments, environmental management, and environmental and sustainability assessment techniques;

-Comparative studies and evaluations of cross-national learning and policy development;

-Theoretically guided studies that enhance the understanding of the environmental policy process;

-Case studies and evaluation of emerging environmental technologies;

- Industry and energy technologies for sustainable product development and sustainable production;

- Technological developments for environmental improvements, pollution control, and economic development;

- Environmental and sustainability assessment;

- Cleaner production and technical processes;

-  Sustainable Development and Sustainability;

-  Governance, legislation, and policy for sustainability.


Templates can be downloaded here (Template JEPTEC)

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Protech Biosystems Journal

Journal TitleProtech Biosystems Journal
Frequency2 issues per year (June & December)
DOIprefix 10.31764 by 
Online ISSN2809-4425
OAI Address
Contact[email protected] | +62 818-0785-3137
PublicationJune & Desember
PublisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Protech Biosystems Journal is a peer-refereed open-access journal which has been established for the dissemination of state-of-the-art knowledge in the field of Agricultural Enginering (Agricultural Mechanization, waters and land resources Engineering, Energy,  Bioprocess and Postharvest Technology) and related subjects in this field. All submitted manuscripts will be initially reviewed by editors and are then evaluated by a minimum of two reviewers through the double-blind review process. This is to ensure the quality of the published manuscripts in the journal. 

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Journal of Agritechnology and Food Processing


Journal of Agritechnology & Food Processing is a scientific research journal managed under the auspices of the Agricultural Product Technology Study Program, Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram. This journal was created to facilitate students, lecturers, researchers, and practitioners in the field of agricultural technology and food processing to produce quality scientific articles. The Journal of Agritechnology & Food Processing is published online twice a year on June and December starting from 2021. Each submitted article will be selected and processed professionally by the journal's editorial team to ensure quality publications.

Scope: processing technology, post-harvest physiology, industrial sanitation, local food development, nutrition & health, food chemistry, food safety, processing microbiology, and functional food.

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JOBS: Journal of Business Society  adalah salah satu jurnal yang dikelola oleh Program Studi Administrasi Bisnis Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Politik (FISIPOL) Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram. JOBS (Journal of Business Society) diterbitkan untuk menjadi wahana pendorong perkembangann Administrasi Bisnis melalui kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat serta kajian kritis terhadap berbagai konsep baru, fenomena dan peristiwa dalam kehidupan bisnis.

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Sigma merupakan jurnal ilmiah dalam bidang Teknik Sipil yang dikelola oleh program studi S1 Teknik Sipil Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram dengan waktu publikasi berkala setiap bulan Februari dan Agustus.

Sebagai salah satu media publikasi karya ilmiah nasional, Sigma diharapkan mampu mengakomodasi kebutuhan suatu media dalam menyebarluaskan informasi dan perkembangan terkini bagi para akademisi, praktisi, dan peneliti Teknik Sipil di Indonesia.          

Artikel ilmiah pada jurnal ini dapat ditulis dalam bahasa Indonesia maupun Inggris dengan ketentuan keaslian tulisan, bukan merupakan terjemahan atau saduran dari artikel lain dan belum pernah dipublikasikan pada media jurnal manapun.

Jurnal Sigma menerbitkan artikel berupa hasil penulisan yang mencakup bidang struktur, transportasi, hidro, geoteknik, manajeman konstruksi dan lingkungan.   

Download Template SIGMA: Jurnal Teknik Sipil   

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Prosiding Seminar Nasional Planoearth memuat karya tulis ilmiah yang dipresentasikan pada seminar Planoearth. Seminar Planoearth dilaksanakan dua tahun sekali sejak tahun 2017. Seminar ini memiliki tema yang beragam namun tetap pada koridor ilmu Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota.


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Journal of Progressive Innovation Library Service (JPILS) adalah salah satu  jurnal ilmiah yang dikelolah oleh Program Studi D3 Perpustakaan Fakultas Ilmu sosial dan Ilmu Politik (FISIPOL) Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram (UMMAT), JPILS diterbitkan untuk menjadi wahana pendorong perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan melalui pengabdian serta kajian kritis terhadap berbagai konsep baru, fenomena dan peristiwa terkait dengan hasil "Pengabdian" dibidang ilmu sosial, ilmu Informasi, Perpustakaan dan Kearsipan.

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Jurnal Pengabdian Administrasi Publik merupakan jurnal yang didedikasikan untuk mempublikasi hasil kegiatan pengabdian yang dilakukan oleh dosen dan mahasiswa. JP-AP Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram, menerbitkan jurnal pengabdian masyarakat yang asli dan tidak di publish di jurnal pengabdian lainnya. Jurnal pengabdian masyarakat memiliki ruang lingkup kegiatan pada masalah dan tantangan dalam pelayanan public, birokrasi pemerintahan, Good Governance, tantangan E-Government dan ilmu sosial lainnya yang relevan, serta kegiatan melingkupi yang ada di lingkungan masyarakat.

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