

Issue Title
Vol 7, No 3 (2024): December Increasing Students' Critical and Creative Thinking Skills using the Hybrid-PjBL Learning Model in Bima Local Wisdom-Based History Learning Abstract  DOWNLOAD [PDF]
Faidin Faidin, Suharti Suharti, Muhammad Subhan, Fajrun Fajrun, Buhari Buhari
Vol 6, No 1 (2023): April The Use of the NHT Type Cooperative Learning Model Can Improve Students' Critical Thinking Ability Abstract  DOWNLOAD [PDF]
Ayang Kinasih, Erni Mariana, Fitri April Yanti, Kusuma Wardany
Vol 4, No 1 (2021): April The Effectiveness of Critical Thinking in Learning Christian Education Abstract  DOWNLOAD [PDF]
Julita Herawati P
Vol 2, No 1 (2019): April Implementation of Cooperative Learning Model Learning Through The STAD Method in Improving Student’s Critical Thinking Ability Abstract  Download [PDF]
Iin Khairunnisa, Muhammad Thariq Aziz
Vol 7, No 3 (2024): December How Does Emotional Intelligence, Learning Motivation and Learning Independence Affect Students' Critical Thinking Skills in Economics Subjects? Abstract  DOWNLOAD [PDF]
Muhammad Hasan, Thamrin Tahir, Nur Arisah, Muhammad Ilyas Thamrin Tahir, Marhawati Marhawati
Vol 4, No 2 (2021): August Improving Critical Thinking Skills and Creativity of Fourth Grade Students in Social Science Using Inquiry Based Learning Model Abstract  PDF
Rosemey Ratna Purnawati, Maria Melani Ika Susanti, Maria Indarti Rustamti
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